About mghachem

Historian, Attorney, and Teacher. Writer on legal affairs and the Atlantic revolutionary tradition. Associate Professor of History at MIT.

Statement at May 17, 2024 MIT Special Faculty Meeting

At a special meeting of the faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology this morning, I delivered these remarks following a vote on a motion proposed by Professor Franz Ulm. A slightly longer, written version of my statement can be found here.

A Better Way to Protect Free Speech on Campus

Taking the liberty of sharing MIT’s new Statement on Free Expression and Academic Freedom as well as my essay for the Chronicle of Higher Education on the campus free expression debate and the movement to adopt the Chicago Principles. Thank you to Leila Govi for her helpful suggestions on the essay, as well as to my friends on the MIT Ad Hoc Working Group on Free Expression who taught me most of what I know about this subject.

L’Ancien Régime et la Révolution haïtienne

Ravi d’annoncer la parution de la version française de mon livre The Old Regime and the Haitian Revolution, chez Karthala, faisant partie de la collection “Esclavages” dirigée par Myriam Cottias au CIRESC de l’EHESS. Voici le lien au site web de Karthala et, pourquoi pas, au celui d’Amazon. Ici le lien à la nouvelle préface à l’édition française.

Supporting an amusement park for children in Haiti

Dear friends,

The Centre Haïtien de Recherche et d’Actions pour le développement (ChrAD) is a Haitian nonprofit organization dedicated the promotion of research and local community development, run by the historian Jean Fritzner Etienne, one of Haiti’s leading scholars of the colonial and revolutionary periods and an authority on the Catholic Church in Saint-Domingue/Haiti. CHrAD is raising money to support the building of an amusement park for children in Gressier (located south of the capital of Port-au-Prince) who have been traumatized by gang warfare in the Haitian capital and the permanent political unrest in the country. The initial fundraising campaign is being hosted by the Global Giving Accelerator. If the campaign can raise $5,000 by June 26, 11:59pm, it will receive a permanent place on the Global Giving website which will greatly facilitate the project’s long-term fundraising prospects. Please consider giving in any amount you can to support this worthy cause: the link to make a donation is here.

With thanks for your consideration,

Malick Ghachem