My views on the Israel-Palestine campus conflict, free expression, and academic freedom at MIT can be found here. This essay was first written in the aftermath of the encampment controversy last spring and was published by Academe, the magazine of the AAUP, in September 2024.
Statement at May 17, 2024 MIT Special Faculty Meeting
At a special meeting of the faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology this morning, I delivered these remarks following a vote on a motion proposed by Professor Franz Ulm. A slightly longer, written version of my statement can be found here.
“Neutrality, Diversity, and the University: The Making of the Kalven Report”
Here is the recording of an MIT Dialogue across Difference on the Kalven Report and the issue of institutional neutrality that I did on October 26, 2023 in conversation with Tracie Jones-Barrett.
“The Real Intervention Haiti Needs”
A Better Way to Protect Free Speech on Campus
Taking the liberty of sharing MIT’s new Statement on Free Expression and Academic Freedom as well as my essay for the Chronicle of Higher Education on the campus free expression debate and the movement to adopt the Chicago Principles. Thank you to Leila Govi for her helpful suggestions on the essay, as well as to my friends on the MIT Ad Hoc Working Group on Free Expression who taught me most of what I know about this subject.
Delighted to announce the program for the Rakoviad: Or, The Origins and Afterlives of the American Founding: A Conference in Honor of Jack Rakove, Stanford University, February 24-25, 2023.
On the constitutional void in Haiti
My essay on the ongoing constitutional crisis in Haiti as seen from the United States, for the MIT Center for International Studies précis magazine.
L’Ancien Régime et la Révolution haïtienne
Ravi d’annoncer la parution de la version française de mon livre The Old Regime and the Haitian Revolution, chez Karthala, faisant partie de la collection “Esclavages” dirigée par Myriam Cottias au CIRESC de l’EHESS. Voici le lien au site web de Karthala et, pourquoi pas, au celui d’Amazon. Ici le lien à la nouvelle préface à l’édition française.

In loving memory of Said Ghachem, 1941-2021.
The obituary in the Houston Chronicle for my beloved father Said Ghachem. Rest in peace and love you always Dad.

Newton Police Reform Task Force Final Recommendations
The final recommendations of the Newton (MA) Police Reform Task Force, on which I served for the past 7-8 months along with an incredible team led by Sonja Spears, have just been published and can be found here.